E-News Archive

E-News Archive2024-07-01T14:56:58-04:00

Past E-News & CEFS Happenings

Welcome to the E-News archive of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems. Whether you’re just curious about what we’ve been up to through the years or you’re looking for a specific announcement or article that has come and gone, this is the place to read about it. Here is a list of our recent e-Newsletters:

View a summary list of our e-Newsletters before 2014.

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Building the Next Generation of Local Food and Agricultural Leaders: Native American Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Apprenticeship

The NCWorks Commission recently featured the Native American Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Apprenticeship as part of their Spotlight on Local Workforce Innovations series showcasing local innovations in collaborative, employer-led workforce development partnerships across the state.

June 20th, 2021|Categories: Agrophile, Career Ladder, E-News, News|Tags: , |

Thirteen Local Education Agencies and Community Organizations Awarded N.C. Farm to Summer Rapid Response Funding

The Farm to School Coalition of North Carolina (F2SCNC) and the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) recently awarded $26,000 in farm to summer rapid response funding to Local Education Authorities (LEAs) and Community Organization Sponsors operating N.C. Summer Nutrition Programs to feed children in need.

April 23rd, 2021|Categories: COVID-19, Farm to School, News|

NC Fresh Produce Purchasing and Prep Guides – Tools for Childcare Providers

We know that caregivers want to offer more fresh vegetables and fruits when it is feasible. We also know how challenging it can be to calculate how many pounds of vegetables or fruits to purchase for children in day care settings.  It can also be difficult to know how much to serve participants of different age groups. 

Research Assistant – Spiderwort Scout

CEFS' Tropical Spiderwort eradication program is seeking a highly-motivated individual to help us scout and remove tropical spiderwort from CEFS’ Field Research, Education, and Outreach Facility at Cherry Research Farm in Goldsboro, NC.

March 30th, 2021|Categories: News|

Featured Publication – A Collaborative Approach to COVID-19 Response: The Center for Environmental Farming Systems Community-based Food System Initiatives

Many CEFS staff and faculty collaborated on a recent publication in the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development: “A collaborative approach to COVID-19 response: The Center for Environmental Farming Systems community-based food system initiatives."

March 20th, 2021|Categories: Agrophile, COVID-19, News|

Creating new pathways to bring local foods from farmers to older adults across North Carolina

The Farm to Senior Services project will create and connect three county-based teams including Extension agents, food councils, farmers, intermediary food businesses (e.g. food hubs or aggregators), and senior meal service institutional buyers. The project team aims to improve institutional procurement policy, address procurement challenges of county-based institutions, provide resources and technical assistance for farmers, and support increased availability of local foods for older adults in North Carolina.

March 8th, 2021|Categories: Agrophile, Farm to Senior Services, News|Tags: |
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