Posts for the CEFS Agrophile Blog.

NC Choices Holds “Next Level Marketing Strategies for Local, Niche Meat Businesses” Training

NC Choices held a "Next Level Marketing Strategies for Local, Niche Meat Businesses" training at the N.C. A&T Small Farm Pavilion on April 4, 2023. The workshop sold-out with 150 attendees interested in taking their local meat marketing and sales to the next level. The first half of the day set the stage for an [...]

2023-04-17T13:56:21-04:00April 17th, 2023|Agrophile, NC Choices|

Delegation of Brazilian Researchers and Experts Tour CEFS’ Field Research, Education, and Outreach Facility located at Cherry Research Farm in Goldsboro, N.C.

As one of the nation’s most important centers for research in sustainable agriculture, CEFS’ doors are always open to visitors. After a long break due to COVID, our Field Research, Education, and Outreach Facility located at Cherry Research Farm in Goldsboro, N.C. welcomed our first international visitors. A Brazilian delegation from the International Visitor Leadership [...]

2023-04-17T11:54:56-04:00April 17th, 2023|Agrophile|

Projects Continue as EMFS Says Goodbye For Now

Farewell from Project Director, Laura Lauffer What a wonderful ride to reflect on! As we close out the EmPOWERing Mountain Food Systems (EMFS) project, we want to share some highlights and gratitude from our work since 2018: - We distributed over $300,000 in farmer grants, loan matches, and scholarships. - This funding leveraged over $2,000,000 [...]

North Carolina Community Food Gathering Inspires a Bright Food Future

[Rocky Mount, NC – March 17, 2023] — Hundreds of farm and food system leaders, public service and nonprofit leaders, local food councils, key partners, and community food advocates from across North Carolina participated in Forging our Food Future: 2023 Community Food Gathering March 15-16 in Rocky Mount, NC.  Community Food Strategies’ signature statewide event, [...]

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