Learn More About Local Meat | First Thursdays Sept. – Dec. | Lexington, NC
Learn both meat cutting and cooking skills using chicken, pork, turkey, and beef all purchased from local farmers!
Learn both meat cutting and cooking skills using chicken, pork, turkey, and beef all purchased from local farmers!
The primary purpose of this Outreach Extension Assistant position is to provide broad support of the outreach efforts of CEFS' Farm to School (F2S) Initiatives and the Farm to School Coalition of NC.
Registration is now closed for Marketing Local Meat. There are a few spots available the day of the event. $50 at the Door!
The new Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems is a cross-departmental program offered through the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and Horticultural Science.
The Center for Environmental Farming Systems has announced the 2017-2018 recipients of its Graduate Student Fellowships.
Foothills Processing in Marion, NC (Formerly Foothills Pilot Plant) is seeking a Plant Manager in order to resume operation of the only USDA Inspected Poultry Plant for independent producers in NC.
This position will be part of the Administrative Working Group and will support the CEFS Business Manager in supporting all the business functions of CEFS and the 50+ CEFS employees.
Even though it is only 7 a.m., the conference center is buzzing with activity. Representatives from food councils across North Carolina have called an impromptu meeting to discuss a response to federal budget cuts which threaten funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net.
Small Scale Poultry Grower Regional Seminar: Producing Safe, Healthy Poultry Meat, Farm to Table Thursday, May 24, 2018 | 8-4pm NC Cooperative Extension Franklin County Center, Annex | 103 S Bickett Blvd, Louisburg, NC 27549 ***From breed selection to keeping a healthy flock, production and marketing tips to hands-on poultry processing, this full day seminar [...]
UNC-P more than doubled their year-over-year percentage of local produce (defined as sourced within 250 miles) purchased through FreshPoint, from 3.35% to 8.9%.