Posts for the CEFS Agrophile Blog.

Website Updates in Response to Federal Requirements

To align with recent federal requirements, the Center for Environmental Farming Systems is conducting a review of website content related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). As a result, you may notice changes to certain pages of our website effective February 21, 2025.

2025-02-20T18:29:29-05:00February 20th, 2025|Agrophile, News|

Artículo sobre la serie de liderazgo BIPOC de WNC EarthMates

Celebramos a las cofundadoras Cleaster Cotton (conservacionista cultural, inventora de los códigos ALNUGE, educadora, agricultora, autora y artista) y Cynde Allen (herborista, agricultora, educadora y artista). Su trabajo se enfoca en revitalizar la interdependencia comunitaria y es un llamado conmovedor a recuperar las prácticas indígenas y recordar las tradiciones culturales dentro de los sistemas alimentarios a través del arte y la agricultura.

BIPOC Leadership Series Conversation with Cleaster Cotton and Cynde Allen

We celebrate WNC EarthMates co-founders Cleaster Cotton (Cultural Conservationist, ALNUGE Codes Inventor, Educator, Farmer, Author, and Artist) and Cynde Allen (Herbalist, Farmer, Educator, and Artist). Their work is fixed in reinvigorating communal interdependence and is a soulful call to reclaim indigenous practices and recall cultural traditions within food systems through art and agriculture.

“Art as Method”: Revolutionary Community Research Project Led by BIPOC NC Food Systems Researchers

In a groundbreaking initiative to bridge racial equity and institutional change related to food systems, a group of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BlPOC) food systems researchers, artists, and visionary leaders are facilitating a transformative community research journey known as "Art as Method."

2025-02-04T15:36:38-05:00February 19th, 2024|Agrophile, Food System Committee on Racial Equity, Uncategorized|
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