NC Choices Helps Facilitate DTC Sales for Meat-Producing Businesses

NC Choices is a unique program of NC State’s Center for Environmental Farming Systems and the NC Cooperative Extension that works with independent pasture-raised meat producers and independent processors around the state. North Carolina is well situated in many ways to support the growth of these agricultural businesses, according to Director Sarah Blacklin. Not only [...]

2023-08-28T12:28:37-04:00August 28th, 2023|Uncategorized|

NC Choices Supports Whole Animal Purchasing Through Supply Chain Education and Capacity-Building

Whole animal purchasing benefits farmers in that they don't have to spend time marketing their meat, and is especially beneficial for rural farmers who don't have ready access to markets outside of urban centers.

2018-09-14T21:48:47-04:00March 8th, 2018|NCGT News|

We have partnered with food marketing coach Jill Willett to offer this special webinar to the NC Choices community. When it comes to successfully marketing your meat business, there are six key areas that need some seeeeerious attention.

2018-02-20T19:23:58-05:00February 20th, 2018|NC Choices|

Carolina Meat Conference

Join us for the 5th NC Choices Carolina Meat Conference – the largest gathering of pastured meat-makers in the country! Farmers, chefs, butchers, and industry leaders convene for two-days of unparalleled networking, hands-on training, and technical and business assistance. This conference supports a growing community committed to advancing market opportunities and increasing customer access to pasture-based meats.

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