Gaston County – Develop a local foods strategic plan that is supported by the community

SARE PDP Extension & Community Partnerships

Project Plan


  1. CBFS advisory council
  2. Outreach and development of strategy
  3. Community Food System Plan

Key Sub Activities

  1. CBFS advisory council development
    1. April 27th CBF Advisory Committee meeting
  2. Outreach
    1. June 2010 -Produce County video, radio spots, and Gazette articles
    2. Summer 2010 community engagement events
    3. Summer 2010 focus groups with farmers, economic development, institutions & others.
    4. August 2010, CBF Advisory mtg.
  3. CFS plan
    1. Review of input and preparation of report and plan proposal
    2. September 2010, Open house to review plan
    3. September 30th, present plan to elected officials seminar
    4. Governmental approval of plan


  • Increased partnerships and collaboration between stakeholders and gov officials, etc
  • Increased consumer outreach and education on local and seasonal foods
  • Increased infrastructure for potential outcomes on lowered health care, positive economic impact, farmland protection

Evidence of Activities, their Quality & Outcomes

  • Identify 15-20 partner/key stakeholders
  • Mass communications reach 30,000+ residents
  • Engage 200-300 residents in learning about local foods and providing input into local food initiatives.
  • Estimated impacts of plan after one year, five years