Learn More About Local Meat | First Thursdays Sept. – Dec. | Lexington, NC
Learn both meat cutting and cooking skills using chicken, pork, turkey, and beef all purchased from local farmers!
Learn both meat cutting and cooking skills using chicken, pork, turkey, and beef all purchased from local farmers!
Registration is now closed for Marketing Local Meat. There are a few spots available the day of the event. $50 at the Door!
Foothills Processing in Marion, NC (Formerly Foothills Pilot Plant) is seeking a Plant Manager in order to resume operation of the only USDA Inspected Poultry Plant for independent producers in NC.
The largest classroom at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University isn’t just for faculty and students.
Five questions with Angel Cruz, a CEFS Graduate Fellow who recently graduated from N.C. State with a Ph.D. in Agroecology. She used participatory action research (PAR) to conduct research with smallholder farmers in rural El Salvador for a three-year research project to evaluate the role of sustainable soil management in improving food security for smallholder farming communities.