E-News Archive

E-News Archive2024-07-01T14:56:58-04:00

Past E-News & CEFS Happenings

Welcome to the E-News archive of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems. Whether you’re just curious about what we’ve been up to through the years or you’re looking for a specific announcement or article that has come and gone, this is the place to read about it. Here is a list of our recent e-Newsletters:

View a summary list of our e-Newsletters before 2014.

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Puppets headline climate, food summit for youth

Under the partial cover of Center City Park’s wooden pavilion, youth performers steered colossal pole puppets — faceless gray suits symbolizing big oil, giant fists in shades of brown labeled “People power” and “El poder de la gente,” and vibrant flags representing wind, air and sun — but not before a proper introduction.

July 27th, 2017|Categories: Food Youth Initiative, Media Coverage, News|Tags: , , , |

Youth Meet in Greensboro, NC, to Address Food Systems, Inequality

About 100 high school youth from community and out-of-school organizations gathered along with their adult allies in Greensboro, North Carolina, this past weekend for a conference on food systems and inequality. The local group hosting the conference was the Food Youth Initiative, a project of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems.

July 24th, 2017|Categories: Food Youth Initiative, Media Coverage, News|Tags: , , , |

Five Questions with CEFS Graduate Fellow Angel Cruz

Five questions with Angel Cruz, a CEFS Graduate Fellow who recently graduated from N.C. State with a Ph.D. in Agroecology. She used participatory action research (PAR) to conduct research with smallholder farmers in rural El Salvador for a three-year research project to evaluate the role of sustainable soil management in improving food security for smallholder farming communities.

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