Projects Continue as EMFS Says Goodbye For Now

Farewell from Project Director, Laura Lauffer What a wonderful ride to reflect on! As we close out the EmPOWERing Mountain Food Systems (EMFS) project, we want to share some highlights and gratitude from our work since 2018: - We distributed over $300,000 in farmer grants, loan matches, and scholarships. - This funding leveraged over $2,000,000 [...]

North Carolina Community Food Gathering Inspires a Bright Food Future

[Rocky Mount, NC – March 17, 2023] — Hundreds of farm and food system leaders, public service and nonprofit leaders, local food councils, key partners, and community food advocates from across North Carolina participated in Forging our Food Future: 2023 Community Food Gathering March 15-16 in Rocky Mount, NC.  Community Food Strategies’ signature statewide event, [...]

Welcoming Michelle Schroeder-Moreno as CEFS Director at NC State

The Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) is honored to announce the appointment of Michelle Schroeder-Moreno as director of CEFS and W.K. Kellogg / Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation Endowed Distinguished Chair in Sustainable Community-Based Food Systems in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at North Carolina State University (NC State).

2022-10-10T10:03:47-04:00October 10th, 2022|Agrophile, CEFS Happenings, E-News, News|

CEFS Announces a New Cohort of Interns for Fall 2022

The Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) is thrilled to announce a new cohort of CEFS interns that will collaborate with food policy councils, local farms, and businesses across North Carolina. Eight Food-Inspired Resilience & Equity (FIRE) interns are being hosted by CEFS, Community Food Strategies, and the North Carolina Local Food Council to [...]

2022-10-05T16:29:17-04:00October 5th, 2022|Agrophile, Career Ladder, E-News|

ASPIRE 2021 Field Trips: Exploring Agricultural Research in the Lab, on the Field, and through the Local Food Supply Chain

Field trips are part of the many educational activities designed for the ASPIRE interns. The students are integrating their research-focused internships with these unique learning opportunities that will provide them with a holistic understanding of what agricultural research means in the lab, on the field, and through the local food supply chain.

2021-07-13T14:46:52-04:00July 12th, 2021|Agrophile, Career Ladder, E-News, News|

Building the Next Generation of Local Food and Agricultural Leaders: Native American Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Apprenticeship

The NCWorks Commission recently featured the Native American Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Apprenticeship as part of their Spotlight on Local Workforce Innovations series showcasing local innovations in collaborative, employer-led workforce development partnerships across the state.

2021-07-15T10:37:40-04:00June 20th, 2021|Agrophile, Career Ladder, E-News, News|
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