News Feed2016-11-26T09:30:47-05:00

News Feed

CEFS news, announcements, press releases and media coverage.

A Season of Hope: CEFS’ 2017 End-of-Year Letter

The Center for Environmental Farming Systems is committed to developing local food and farming systems that support North Carolina’s farmers and rural economies, reduce food insecurity, improve access to healthy food, and serve the public good. Join us in this important work by making a gift to CEFS today.

November 26th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: |

Events for Local Government Officials Highlight Economic Development Potential of Local Food and Farm Businesses

In September, Local Food Economies and the NC 10% Campaign organized three Innovations in Economic Development through Local Foods gatherings to showcase investments that local and regional governments can make to support small and mid-scale food and farming businesses.

Local Food Ambassadors Gain Food Systems and Leadership Skills

The NC 10% Campaign's Local Food Ambassador Program offers year-long paid employment to student Ambassadors to organize around local food issues on their university and college campuses. We checked in with a few former Ambassadors to learn what they gained from their experience.

October 12th, 2017|Categories: Agrophile, NC 10% Campaign, News|Tags: , , |
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