Working for change in the meat industry
"Working for change in the meat industry," by Emily Boyette, Technician
"Working for change in the meat industry," by Emily Boyette, Technician
Two-year grant to develop local food markets at NC colleges and universities for low-resourced farmers Raleigh, NC (March 17, 2016) – Trustees of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation have awarded a grant to the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) to support the NC 10% Campaign’s efforts to create more markets for low-resourced farmers by [...]
March 15, 2016: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RALEIGH, North Carolina -- Sarah Blacklin, Program Director of NC Choices, is among the visionaries being recognized nationally through Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives, a search to identify and honor 100 leaders who are changing rural communities and agriculture for the better. NC Choices is an initiative of the [...]
February 24, 2016: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE GOLDSBORO, North Carolina -- Mark your calendar for a two-day comprehensive cover crop conference for the South. Put on by the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) and the Southern region Sustainable Agriculture and Research Education (SARE) program, the event takes place July 18-19, 2016 at two locations in [...]
“Another Kind of Hog Farm,” by Gabe Rivin in the North Carolina Health News.
Dr. Cary Rivard has always enjoyed eating tomatoes, but he also has a unique perspective on what it takes to grow them.
FoodCorps aims to change children's attitudes and behaviors towards food through nutrition education, school garden engagement, and increasing access to healthy, local produce through local farm to cafeteria pathways.
"CEFS is the only place doing this kind of work. There's not anybody else in our climate and region doing research for us."
Students Working for an Agricultural Revolutionary Movement (SWARM) has been applying the lessons of past civil rights and justice movements to the struggle for food equity.
At the front lines of Lowes Foods' local produce purchasing is Ariel Fugate, an NC State University graduate who now works for Lowes as their Locally Grown Accounts Representative, and NC A&T as liaison to the NC Growing Together project.