Hundreds Expected at National Conference Showcasing North Carolina’s Leadership in Sustainable Meat and Dairy; An Impressive Roster of Speakers Including Dr. Temple Grandin 

July 3, 2024 Contact: Janie Hynson Communications Manager Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) 919-213-1390 Photos and other assets: Media Kit NC State University and Appalachian State University, two institutions on the vanguard of promoting sustainable agriculture, are coming together to demonstrate North Carolina’s cutting edge in local foods. NC Choices’ Carolina Meat Conference (CMC) will be held July [...]

2025-02-20T18:30:21-05:00July 3rd, 2024|NC Choices, Press Release|

NC Choices Holds “Next Level Marketing Strategies for Local, Niche Meat Businesses” Training

NC Choices held a "Next Level Marketing Strategies for Local, Niche Meat Businesses" training at the N.C. A&T Small Farm Pavilion on April 4, 2023. The workshop sold-out with 150 attendees interested in taking their local meat marketing and sales to the next level. The first half of the day set the stage for an [...]

2023-04-17T13:56:21-04:00April 17th, 2023|Agrophile, NC Choices|

Triangle area butchers and meat markets

Triangle area butchers and meat markets By NC Choices, a program of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems and NC Cooperative Extension, has launched Through the website, consumers can find nearby local farms selling pasture-raised meat in bulk quantities. Read the full article here.

Currituck Extension offers information on the meat supply chain

Currituck Extension offers information on the meat supply chain By Cameron Lowe, Currituck Extension You have likely seen much on the news and floating around social media in regards to potential meat shortages due to COVID-19. But what is the real story? While there have certainly been disruptions in the supply chain getting meat to [...]

NC Choices talks about MeatSuite and programming that supports small farmers during COVID

First in Future: Food and Hunger Join us for part five of the series with guests Mike Darrow (Executive Director, Feeding the Carolinas) Tessa Thraves (Farm to School Coordinator, NC State University Center for Environmental Farming Systems) and Sarah Blacklin (Program Director for NC Choices, NC State University Center for Environmental Farming Systems) as we [...]

Silvopasture Field Day | Goldsboro, NC

July 25 @ 9:00am - 4:45pm | $25 Silvopasture, the intentional practice of integrating forages, animals and trees, is one type of agroforestry with potential to improve ecosystem responses and provide multiple sources of farm income. Are you interested in successfully transitioning or starting a silvopasture system? Join us for a workshop, field day, and [...]

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