Program Assistant
This position will support the general Business Office work of CEFS. This position will be part of the Events Logistics Team and will participate in the logistics of all CEFS events.
This position will support the general Business Office work of CEFS. This position will be part of the Events Logistics Team and will participate in the logistics of all CEFS events.
This position will specifically support a new three-year grant CEFS has just been awarded. It will be housed in the CEFS Business Office and report both to the CEFS Business Manager and the Grant Project Director.
CEFS was awarded $1,100,000 from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to develop sustainable infrastructure for local and regional food systems in Western North Carolina in collaboration with regional partners.
NC Choices has launched a new project focused on increasing the number of beginning farmers in North Carolina raising meat in either pasture-based or silvopasture systems by providing them with novel land acquisition strategies, resources, and training opportunities.
Silvopasture Can Mitigate Climate Change. Will U.S. Farmers Take it Seriously? | By Lela Nargi | Civil Eats | January 7, 2019
The University Program Associate will provide technical day-to day customer service and support of the operations of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems, in particular, providing grant management support services and event management support to program staff.
Dr. Matt Poore has received numerous questions about the Disaster Pasture Renovation Practice which is one of the three emergency practices released by the Division of Soil and Water this autumn. Please find below a FAQ, a description of all three emergency practices, and a detailed description of the Disaster Pasture Renovation program. You can find the program [...]
Pasture-based livestock producers within eligible counties with damage to standing forage as a result of Hurricane Florence and/or Tropical Storm Michael are eligible for the Hurricane Florence Agricultural Disaster Program of 2018. Applications are being taken until December 10th for the program. All crops are covered under the program including forages standing in hay fields [...]
The Carolina Farm Stewardship Association is announcing a new hurricane relief effort targeting small farms in North and South Carolina. What is the RESEED Recovery Fund? The RESEED Recovery Fund provides affordable loans to farmers in North Carolina and South Carolina who were affected by Hurricanes Florence and Michael. Natural Capital Investment Fund (NCIFund), a non-profit [...]
NCDA&CS Meat and Poultry Inspection Division recently released updated versions of both their 1,000 and 20,000 Bird Poultry Exemption Requirements. They can be found here and below. It is helpful to note that information on how Poultry Exempt Operators can conduct further processing at County Inspected facilities (such as shared use kitchens) is also included (this [...]