

The Center for Environmental Farming Systems’ Blog

Events for Local Government Officials Highlight Economic Development Potential of Local Food and Farm Businesses

In September, Local Food Economies and the NC 10% Campaign organized three Innovations in Economic Development through Local Foods gatherings to showcase investments that local and regional governments can make to support small and mid-scale food and farming businesses.

Local Food Ambassadors Gain Food Systems and Leadership Skills

The NC 10% Campaign's Local Food Ambassador Program offers year-long paid employment to student Ambassadors to organize around local food issues on their university and college campuses. We checked in with a few former Ambassadors to learn what they gained from their experience.

By |October 12th, 2017|Categories: Agrophile, NC 10% Campaign, News|Tags: , , |

Five Questions with CEFS Graduate Fellow Angel Cruz

Five questions with Angel Cruz, a CEFS Graduate Fellow who recently graduated from N.C. State with a Ph.D. in Agroecology. She used participatory action research (PAR) to conduct research with smallholder farmers in rural El Salvador for a three-year research project to evaluate the role of sustainable soil management in improving food security for smallholder farming communities.

Hurricane Matthew Devastates Eastern North Carolina: Update from CEFS’ Field Research and Outreach Facility at Cherry Farm in Goldsboro

Water continues to be at record high levels and access to the livestock units (swine, dairy, and beef) is limited. We do have power and water pressure at those units which is a blessing. Currently, we are ferrying people in to milk and feed by boat. Milk is being dumped. Calving season has started (5 hit the ground today), with an expected 75-80 over the next two weeks. Water is now in the shop, service building, and possibly the office.

By |October 12th, 2016|Categories: Agrophile, News|Tags: , , |

Partnerships to Elevate Local Food Policy: Community Food Strategies, Plate of the Union and Local Food Councils

Community Food Strategies is embarking on a new collaborative partnership this fall with Plate of the Union, Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, and local food councils in Alamance, Durham, and Mecklenberg Counties to bring greater awareness of food and farm issues at local, regional, and national levels.

By |October 7th, 2016|Categories: Agrophile, Community Food Strategies|Tags: , |

Southern Cover Crop Conference Leads to New Resources and Excitement for Cover Crops

Over two days in July 2016, the Center for Environmental Farming Systems and Southern SARE hosted the first-ever Southern Cover Crop Conference. Researchers, farmers, extension agents, and natural resource personnel from across the Southern region gathered to learn about and discuss cover crops at CEFS’ Field Research and Outreach Facility at Cherry Farm in Goldsboro and the University of Mount Olive (UMO).

By |August 29th, 2016|Categories: Agrophile, Cover Crops|Tags: , |
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