Impact Profiles2016-11-26T09:30:46-05:00

Impact Profiles

FoodCorps North Carolina and Farm-to-School: A Recipe for Healthy Kids

FoodCorps aims to change children's attitudes and behaviors towards food through nutrition education, school garden engagement, and increasing access to healthy, local produce through local farm to cafeteria pathways.

February 8th, 2016|

SWARM: Youth Food Activists Are Changing the World

Students Working for an Agricultural Revolutionary Movement (SWARM) has been applying the lessons of past civil rights and justice movements to the struggle for food equity.

February 8th, 2016|

Lowes Foods and Ariel Fugate: Bringing Local Foods to Retail Markets

At the front lines of Lowes Foods' local produce purchasing is Ariel Fugate, an NC State University graduate who now works for Lowes as their Locally Grown Accounts Representative, and NC A&T as liaison to the NC Growing Together project.

February 8th, 2016|
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