E-News Archive

E-News Archive2024-07-01T14:56:58-04:00

Past E-News & CEFS Happenings

Welcome to the E-News archive of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems. Whether you’re just curious about what we’ve been up to through the years or you’re looking for a specific announcement or article that has come and gone, this is the place to read about it. Here is a list of our recent e-Newsletters:

View a summary list of our e-Newsletters before 2014.

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Cafeteria Taste-Testing

By Sarah Dixon, Gaston Cooperative Extension FoodCorps Service Member October's kale salad was a riotous affair, given that it was our first time doing the taste tests and the kids' first time seeing the garden [...]

February 25th, 2013|Categories: E-News, FoodCorps NC|

Winter Update from our CEFS Livestock Apprentice

By Rachael Kearns, CEFS Apprentice Rachael Kearns Rachael Kearns is CEFS' first primarily livestock-based apprentice. Her experience prior to the apprenticeship involved conducting research on animal behavior and physiology; however, it was through the [...]

February 25th, 2013|Categories: E-News|

SOSA Hits the Ground Running in 2013!

The Seasons of Sustainable Agriculture (SOSA) Workshop Series calendar is filling up fast! Normally, we ease into the workshop season, with the bulk of our workshops starting in early spring. Not this year -- we [...]

February 25th, 2013|Categories: E-News|

Thank You Sponsors!

CEFS gratefully acknowledges the sponsors of the 2013 Sustainable Agriculture Lecture featuring Maya Wiley: Lead Sponsor: Visionary Sponsor: Sustaining Sponsors: The Support Center Sustainable Food NC NC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (NC SARE) Steward [...]

February 25th, 2013|Categories: E-News|

Upcoming Events

February 27: CEFS' Annual Sustainable Agriculture Lecture Featuring Food Justice Advocate Maya Wiley Maya Wiley Please join CEFS and the NC Agricultural Foundation Inc., for CEFS' Annual Sustainable Agriculture Lecture Featuring Maya Wiley, on [...]

February 25th, 2013|Categories: E-News, Farm to Fork|

Holiday Greetings from CEFS!

Dear Friend, We are coming to the close of a truly momentous year at the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS), and we want to include you in our success, our gratitude, and our rejoicing. [...]

December 1st, 2012|Categories: CEFS Happenings|

Message from the Directors

In recent months, CEFS' local food systems programming has received significant national and international attention, which we have been excited and honored to receive. In fact, our two Directors' schedules can barely keep up! In [...]

November 9th, 2012|Categories: E-News|
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