Social Justice Resources

Food Literacy Toolkit:

The goal of the Food Literacy Toolkit is to increase food literacy and share more Distinctive stories around the culture of food and farming. Shifting the food systems narrative includes having a wider array of perspectives and experiences rooted in a shared history and current reality of our food system. We must share and develop more distinctive stories, particularly for young people that reflect the ways and traditions within all communities.

  • Social Justice – report methodology
    • Applying a social justice lens to anti-hunger policies.  This methodology is offered as a possible pathway for other organizations, policymakers, and implementing agencies to use in developing a social justice lens for their work, whether inside or outside the nutrition field.
  • Checklist for selecting material
    • Tips for selecting multicultural books to use in classrooms for instruction.
  • Persona Dolls
    • This article will help you understand what a Persona Doll is and the proper use of these dolls in your classroom.
  • They’re not too Young to Talk About Race (2018)
    • This chart is a guide to help you understand how to develop positive attitudes about differences between children.

Suggested Reading Materials: