NC Farm to Early Care and Education
Thanks to generous federal grant support and private donors we are able to continue this important work.
Farm to Early Care and Education (Farm to ECE) enhances the health and education of young children by developing systems and experiential learning that connect children and their families with local food and farms. It includes any type of activities in ECE environments that incorporate local foods through meals and snacks, taste tests, lessons, farmer visits, cooking, growing food, and/or community and parent involvement.
NC Farm to ECE connects local farms with local childcare centers to empower the development of community-based, unbiased food systems. To achieve this goal, CEFS and its partner organizations assist in developing food procurement systems, connecting resources and people across food systems and early childhood education, and providing children with experiential ways to engage with food.
NC Farm to ECE seeks to create an unbiased food system to ensure that children, regardless of geographic location, gender, and socio-economic status, are introduced to and have access to local and healthy food.
To sustain this work, this initiative integrates aspects of Farm to ECE within existing and well-established organizations conducting outreach and training for both childcare facilities and producers, such as NC Cooperative Extension and the NC Partnership for Children.
This initiative helps to lead the North Carolina Farm to Preschool Network and serves on the Farm to Early Care and Education Work Group of National Farm to School Network. To learn more and connect your center or ECE program to the movement, visit the NC Farm to Preschool Network page and subscribe to the network newsletter!
NC Farm to Early Care and Education News
NC Farm to Early Care and Education Institute Returns with Generous Support from PNC Bank
Following the success of the inaugural Farm to ECE Institute and thanks to the continued support of PNC Bank, the NC Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) Initiative will host its second Farm to ECE Institute for Farm to ECE administrators and teachers, technical assistance providers, farmers and Extension agents. The Institute will take place Oct. 21, 2023, at the Rocky Mount Event Center.
NC Farm to Early Care and Education Initiative Launches Farm to ECE “2.0” Institute with Generous Support from PNC Bank
Thanks to a generous charitable contribution from PNC Bank, the NC Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) Initiative will host its first Farm to ECE “2.0” Institute for past Farm to ECE Collaborative participants, farmers and Extension agents. This Institute will take place Sept. 10, 2022, at the NC County Extension office in Guilford County.
Digital Story: Building Community-Based, Equitable Food Systems in North Carolina Through Farm to Early Care and Education
Read the North Carolina Digital Story on Every Child Thrives, "Building Community-Based, Equitable Food Systems in North Carolina Through Farm to Early Care and Education," about the [...]
NC Fresh Produce Purchasing and Prep Guides – Tools for Childcare Providers
We know that caregivers want to offer more fresh vegetables and fruits when it is feasible. We also know how challenging it can be to calculate how many pounds of vegetables or fruits to purchase for children in day care settings. It can also be difficult to know how much to serve participants of different age groups.
New Resource: Serving Local Foods in NC Child Care Centers – Guidance on Food Preparation and Gardening
In collaboration with the Children’s Environmental Health Branch in the Division of Public Health, NC Department of Health and Human Services, the NC Farm to Preschool Network has released “Serving Local Foods in North Carolina Child Care Centers – Guidance on Food Preparation and Gardening.”