Solar grazing
Solar grazing is the practice of grazing livestock (most commonly sheep) on solar installation sites. There has been tremendous growth in photovoltaic power generation (“solar farm”) development in North Carolina. In fact, the state is ranked third in the nation for installed solar capacity. The over 9,000 acres of solar installations represent an extraordinary opportunity for beginning farmers to enter into long-term leases with solar farm owners to integrate grazing animals.
Solar Grazing Case Studies

Check out a few beginning farmers in North Carolina who are grazing sheep in partnership with solar companies:
More Resources…
Sample Solar Grazing Lease Template
Balancing Ag Productivity With Solar Production
Special thanks to the American Solar Grazing Association for their resources – check out more at https://solargrazing.org/.
You can also find more information at https://energync.org/ and https://nccleantech.ncsu.edu/.