About CEFS

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So far CEFS has created 298 blog entries.

Center for Environmental Farming Systems Celebrating Twentieth Anniversary with October 17 SOILbration: Healthy Soils, Healthy Farms, Healthy Food

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 8, 2014 Raleigh, NC: The Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS), one of the nation’s foremost centers for research, extension, and education in sustainable agriculture and local food systems, is celebrating its twentieth anniversary in 2014 with special programs and events. On Friday, October 17, CEFS is partnering with the Natural [...]

2016-11-26T09:32:05-05:00September 8th, 2014|Press Release|

CEFS’ Community-Based Food Systems Outreach Coordinator Shorlette Ammons Releases Critical Analysis of Gender, Race and the Food System, Shining a Light in Dark Places: Raising Up the Work of Southern Women of Color in the Food System

RALEIGH, NC, August 5, 2014: Shorlette Ammons, CEFS’ Community-Based Food Systems Outreach Coordinator, has produced a report on gender, race, and the food system entitled Shining a Light in Dark Places: Raising Up the Work of Southern Women of Color in the Food System.  The work was completed as part of a year-long Food Equity [...]

2016-11-26T09:32:06-05:00August 5th, 2014|Press Release|

CEFS Co-Director Dr. Nancy Creamer Appointed to Board of USDA Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research

Raleigh, NC, July 23, 2014 – Dr. Nancy Creamer, distinguished professor and director for the Center for Environmental Farming Systems in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at NC State University, has been appointed to the board of the newly created USDA Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (FFAR). USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced in a news release the creation of [...]

2016-11-26T09:32:07-05:00July 23rd, 2014|Press Release|

CEFS Summer Sustainable Agriculture Internship Program Brings Students from Around the World to Goldsboro

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 11, 2014 Goldsboro, NC – The Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) is hosting students from across the country and around the world at its Goldsboro research farm this summer.  Twelve undergraduate students from North Carolina, Virginia, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania – and as far away as Brazil, Croatia, and South Korea [...]

2016-11-26T09:32:08-05:00June 11th, 2014|Press Release|

Happy Birthday to Us: CEFS Turns 20!

A special CEFS e-news dedicated to our twentieth anniversary CEFS' roots were planted in 1994, when a small circle of leaders in sustainable agriculture came together with the vision of creating a center for the study of environmentally sustainable farming practices in North Carolina. A task force of university faculty and administrators, state and federal [...]

2016-06-16T14:27:40-04:00May 1st, 2014|20th Anniversary, E-News|

FoodCorps North Carolina and Farm-to-School: A Recipe for Healthy Kids

In honor of CEFS' 20th anniversary, this is the first in a series of stories exploring the impact that CEFS has made on the state of North Carolina and beyond. Radishes! Sitting around a table at a regional sustainable agriculture conference, North Carolina's FoodCorps service members exude youthful optimism.  They are discussing what attracted [...]

2016-11-26T09:32:09-05:00May 1st, 2014|E-News, FoodCorps NC|

Upcoming Events

FARM TO FORK PICNIC:  June 8 Buy your ticket now! Join a remarkable group of Piedmont farmers & cooks for an evening of food, live music, & fun....and discover why Bon Appetit magazine called Farm to Fork the "country's best all-you-can-eat-feast"! Co-hosted by CEFS, Friends of Breeze Farm, Slow Food Triangle and the North Carolina Agricultural [...]

2016-11-26T09:32:10-05:00May 1st, 2014|E-News, Farm to Fork|

Holiday Greetings from CEFS!

Dear Friend, Greetings from the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS).  We hope this letter finds you well, as another busy year winds down for all of us.  As we write this, we are preparing to celebrate a very meaningful milestone here at CEFS: our 20th Anniversary. As CEFS has grown from a 2000-acre research [...]

2016-11-26T09:32:11-05:00December 1st, 2013|CEFS Happenings|

NC Choices Presents the Third Annual Carolina Meat Conference

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 30, 2013: NC Choices' Carolina Meat Conference enters its third year of innovative educational programming and unparalleled networking opportunities for niche meat supply chain partners including farmers, processors, chefs, buyers and industry support businesses. The Carolina Meat Conference is a gathering of professionals from all sectors of the local and niche [...]

2016-11-26T09:32:12-05:00October 30th, 2013|NC Choices, Press Release|
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