Raleigh, NC, July 23, 2014 – Dr. Nancy Creamer, distinguished professor and director for the Center for Environmental Farming Systems in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at NC State University, has been appointed to the board of the newly created USDA Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (FFAR).

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced in a news release the creation of the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research and the appointment of its 15-member board of directors. Congress authorized FFAR as part of the 2014 Farm Bill and provided $200 million for the Foundation. These funds must be matched by non-federal funds as the Foundation seeks and approves projects.

Dr. Creamer will serve a three-year term as a voting member of the FFAR board providing her knowledge and experience, as well as her expertise in sustainable Ag and local foods.

“I’m very excited and humbled by this opportunity,” said Dr. Creamer. “I’m excited to bring what we’ve learned through CEFS over the last 20 years to this role. This includes everything from systems-oriented sustainable agriculture production research on our 2000-acre facility; to the work we’ve done strengthening North Carolina’s local food system by building bridges across a wide diversity of partners, building alliances and networks, and involving stakeholders and communities.”

The Foundation, which will operate as a non-profit corporation, will fund research activities that address issues including plant and animal health; food safety, nutrition and health; renewable energy, natural resources, and environment; agricultural and food security; and agriculture systems and technology.

“The college is very proud to see that Dr. Nancy Creamer is represented in this very important group that will help shape agriculture,” said Dr. Richard Linton, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

According to the USDA, the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research complements existing federal and federally funded agricultural science research endeavors, and is an innovative way to expand investment in agricultural research. On the need for a foundation of this nature, Secretary Vilsack said, “Investments in innovation made over the past several decades have developed new products and procedures that have been critical to the continued growth of American agriculture. We must continue to make strategic investments in research and technology if we are to remain leaders in the global economy.”

Detailed information on the USDA Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research and the board of directors can be found here.

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Dean’s Office, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC State University
Ph: 919-515-6210

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