About Waystone Design

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So far Waystone Design has created 126 blog entries.

NCGT Apprentice Sarah Massey, FreshPoint

July 2016 - As the FreshPoint apprentice, Sarah Massey has been learning a great deal about wholesale marketing and food service. Studying food and nutrition at Meredith College, she found a particular interest in local and sustainable agriculture, so she was excited to work with Senior VP Chris Woodring to help more local farmers connect with [...]

2018-09-15T10:11:44-04:00July 26th, 2016|NCGT News|

NCGT Apprentice Sebastian Irby, Feast Down East

July 2016 - Sebastian Irby grew up eating local, organic produce. Studying sustainability at Wake Forest University, Sebastian was particularly interested in a food and policy class that discussed local food systems. That interest led her to the NCGT apprenticeship, and this summer she has been getting a closer look at how Feast Down East's food [...]

2018-09-15T10:13:19-04:00July 26th, 2016|NCGT News|

NCGT Apprentice Michelle McCallum, NC State University

July 2016 - Michelle McCallum is a rising junior, studying Animal Science and Agricultural Business at NC State University. As an NCGT apprentice this summer, she has continued the work she began in the spring semester with Dr. Kathryn Boys from NC State's Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. So far, she has learned a great [...]

2018-09-15T10:12:30-04:00July 26th, 2016|NCGT News|

NCGT Apprentice Laura Mindlin, Eastern Carolina Organics

July 2016 - For Laura Mindlin, working with Eastern Carolina Organics (ECO) has allowed her to not only learn about successful food hubs and wholesale produce distribution, but it also gave her the opportunity to move to North Carolina. Laura is originally from New York City, but during her time at school in upstate New York, [...]

2018-09-15T10:12:15-04:00July 26th, 2016|NCGT News|

NCGT Apprentice Sarah Miller, Cumberland County Cooperative Extension

July 2016 - This summer, Sarah Miller has found that her work with Kenny Bailey in the Cumberland County Cooperative Extension office has allowed her to blend her studies in marketing with her interest and background in farming. Sarah's family farm grows row crops, so while she knew a good bit about cotton and soybeans, [...]

2018-09-15T10:12:00-04:00July 26th, 2016|NCGT News|

NCGT Apprentice Claire McLendon, Farmer Foodshare and Working Landscapes

July 2016 - This summer, Claire McLendon has had the opportunity to join her interests in local food and flow charts to help Karla Capacetti, of Farmer Foodshare in Durham, and Gabriel Cummings, of Working Landscapes in Warren County. Claire, who worked for eight years as a UNC Library employee, has been excited to find that [...]

2018-09-15T10:11:29-04:00July 26th, 2016|NCGT News|

Introducing the 2016 NCGT Local Food Supply Chain Apprentices!

The 2016 Local Food Supply Chain Apprentices with their mentors. May/June 2016 -- We have a great group of Local Food Supply Chain Apprentices on the ground here in North Carolina! Apprentices spend eight weeks working with local food hubs, businesses and organizations to gain hands-on training in local food systems and value [...]

2018-09-15T10:17:52-04:00June 16th, 2016|NCGT News|

Lowes Foods Creates Efficient Model for Bringing on Local Vendors at New Stores

NCGT’s Laura Lauffer speaks at Lowes Foods’ Greer, SC new vendor summit. May/June 2016 -- Lowes Foods is expanding in South Carolina, and NC Growing Together support is helping to bring on local vendors around their new stores. Krista Morgan, Lowes Foods Locally Grown Accounts Representative and NC Growing Together Liaison, planned a local [...]

2018-09-15T10:19:28-04:00June 16th, 2016|NCGT News|

CEFS’ Supply Chain Scholars Bridge Business, Local Food Systems Work

Graham Givens May/June 2016 -- The Center for Environmental Farming Systems' Supply Chain Scholars are creating connections between business and local food systems work. Graham Givens and Kaitlyn Sutton are both MBA students at NC State University's Jenkins Graduate School of Management. As Supply Chain Scholars, they are looking at ways to build [...]

2018-09-15T10:18:42-04:00June 16th, 2016|NCGT News|

GroupGAP: A New Food Safety Option for Small-Scale Growers

NCGT's Trish Tripp during a GroupGAP practice audit. April 2016 -- In April 2016, the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) announced a new food safety certification program called GroupGAP. The program allows small farms to share the cost of certification across a group of growers, and was developed in partnership with the Wallace [...]

2018-09-15T10:21:20-04:00May 1st, 2016|NCGT News|
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