Media Contact: Dr. Angel Cruz, CEFS Academic and Extension Initiatives Manager: 919-513-0954 or
Raleigh, NC: Highly motivated undergraduate students with an interest in sustainable agriculture or food systems are encouraged to apply for the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) Agroecology Scholars Program in Research and Extension (ASPIRE). During this 10-week (May 28 – August 5, 2020) individualized summer research and extension experience, participants will learn about sustainable agriculture and community food systems from a broad systems perspective, while receiving close mentorship and access to cutting edge research and professional development training. Participants receive a $4,000 stipend, apartment-style housing on the NC State campus, and the opportunity for post-summer travel to a scientific meeting. No previous research or extension experience is necessary, and members of demographic groups that are underrepresented in the sciences are especially encouraged to apply.
ASPIRE Program Components:
The ASPIRE Program will provide participants with diverse research, education, extension and professional development opportunities focused on sustainable agriculture and food systems. Students will work with their faculty and graduate student mentors on research for 3.5 days each week, and will meet as a group 1.5 days each week to participate in professional development training. The ASPIRE program activities are organized into five main program elements that include:
- Introductory tour of NC agriculture: 4-day tour across diverse agroecosystems and communities throughout NC.
- Faculty-mentored research training: Each student will be matched with a sustainable agriculture research project, NC State faculty research mentor, and a graduate student mentor who is conducting similar research.
- Extension training: All students will participate in integrated education and agricultural extension related group activities on a biweekly basis.
- Professional skills development and agriculture career exploration: All students will participate in a diversity of weekly professional development activities, as well as meetings with local businesses and nonprofits that support sustainable agriculture and food systems work.
- Research Presentation Opportunity: Students will have the additional opportunity to present their research at a national conference following the ASPIRE program to further professional network and career opportunities.
Applications are due February 21, 2020, or until all positions are filled.
For more information, please visit our website. For any additional questions or information about the program, contact Dallas Goodnight, Program Assistant, at or Dr. Angel Cruz, CEFS Academic and Extension Initiatives Manager at 919-513-0954 or
Thank you for circulating this exciting internship opportunity! Please see the 2020 ASPIRE Program Flyer HERE.