cefs-sosa-logoThe Seasons of Sustainable Agriculture (SOSA) Workshop Series calendar is filling up fast! Normally, we ease into the workshop season, with the bulk of our workshops starting in early spring. Not this year — we have hit the (cold) ground running!

In January, we hosted a diverse group of workshops including Herbs, Microgreens and Edible Flower Production; Tomato Grafting; and Muscadine Grape Production in Eastern NC, in addition to partnering with several other organizations on events.

In February, we partnered with NC Cooperative Extension and the NCSU Food Science Department to offer a very exciting Packaged Foods Manufacturing Short Course, and Bill Cline presented a workshop and demonstration on Blueberry Production and Pruning. And in March, Gina Fernandez will offer an informative, hands-on Blackberry Planting Demonstration on the Small Farm Unit.

All of the workshops have had a maximum-capacity turnout, showing the area’s tremendous growth and interest in sustainably-produced foods.

For more information, please visit the E-News archive.

From the Februrary 2013 E-Newsletter