NCGT Apprentice Michelle McCallum, NC State University

July 2016 - Michelle McCallum is a rising junior, studying Animal Science and Agricultural Business at NC State University. As an NCGT apprentice this summer, she has continued the work she began in the spring semester with Dr. Kathryn Boys from NC State's Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. So far, she has learned a great [...]

2018-09-15T10:12:30-04:00July 26th, 2016|NCGT News|

NC State Graduate Student to Present Work on the Local Multiplier Effect

June 2015 -- Over the past four years, NC State Horticulture Science PhD student Drew Marticorena has been studying the "Local Multiplier Effect", the economic ripple effect that occurs within a community when consumers spend their money at independent, locally-owned businesses.  While there are databases that contain standard multipliers used by economic developers across [...]

2018-09-15T11:07:07-04:00June 2nd, 2015|NCGT News|

Upcoming Events: Postharvest Handling for Enhanced Shelf Life Workshops

March 2015 - The economic success of fruit and vegetable production is highly dependent on postharvest quality preservation. When marketing fresh fruits and vegetables, understanding the processes affecting product quality during storage and transportation is essential in obtaining a premium price for the product. To assist growers in developing skills that will provide a competitive [...]

2018-09-15T11:09:30-04:00April 1st, 2015|NCGT News|

Fitting “Local” into a “Mainstream” Distribution System

February 2015 - One of the biggest challenges facing local small and mid-sized producers and large-scale "mainstream" buyers (grocery chains and wholesale distributors) is how to move smaller volumes of source-identified product from farm to point-of-sale at a price that keeps everybody along the supply chain in business. NC Growing Together is working to develop and [...]

2018-09-15T11:13:05-04:00March 2nd, 2015|NCGT News|

NCGT and Partners to Deliver Postharvest Handling Workshops

February 2015 - This spring NC Growing Together, NC State University, and the Cooperative Extension Service are partnering to offer Post-Harvest Handling for Enhanced Shelf Life workshops for small and mid-sized growers. Half-day workshops will be held April 14 in Duplin County and May 21 in Catawba County. An advanced, full-day workshop will be held June 2 in [...]

2018-09-15T11:11:54-04:00March 2nd, 2015|NCGT News|

NCGT and Partners Offer New “Lunch-and-Learn” Webinar Series for Farmers

February 2015 - NC Growing Together is partnering with NC Farm Bureau, NC State University Department of Horticultural Science, and NC Cooperative Extension to offer the Farmer Idea Lab, a new "Lunch-N-Learn" webinar series designed to offer farmer-to-farmer sharing of success stories and lessons learned. The first webinar, Farm Smarter Not Harder, was held on February 5.  [...]

2018-09-15T11:12:09-04:00March 2nd, 2015|NCGT News|

NC Growing Together Research Symposium Highlights Supply Chain Challenges, Solutions

April 2014 - NCGT project researchers and student teams from the NC State graduate-level business course "Local Foods Supply Chains" met with NCGT partners to present their work on April 22 at the JC Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh. Among the presentations, five student teams and two supply chain scholars offered potential solutions to aggregation and [...]

2018-09-15T11:46:39-04:00May 2nd, 2014|NCGT News|

Fellow Foodies

NCGT Sponsors Nation's First Local Foods-Focused Business School Supply Chain Fellowships <a href="">Read the Story</a>

2018-09-14T20:52:58-04:00October 8th, 2013|NCGT News|
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