Giving Thanks Where Thanks is Due

November 23rd, 2020|

During the Thanksgiving season, we’re grateful for farmers in our community for the abundance of food on our tables. Three women farmers in Western NC shared their farming experiences during this challenging year, what it means to them to [...]

  • EMFS Apprentice Mallaidh Mleziva

The Apprentice’s Angle: Mallaidh Mleziva

November 17th, 2020|

Mallaidh Mleziva shares her work & reflects on her EMFS Apprenticeship at Sustainabillies   Mallaidh Mleziva is a 2020 graduate from Western Carolina University and one of the EMFS Summer Apprentices. Christina Newhouse, the Apprenticeship Program Manager for [...]

  • Value-added products

Why Drive to Blue Ridge Food Ventures?

October 15th, 2020|

The EmPOWERing Mountain Food Systems Project is partnering with Blue Ridge Food Ventures (BRFV) to support value-added production in our region. Producers are eligible to receive up to $3,000 in technical support, consulting, and rental fees associated with production at [...]