Show Up Series: Collaborative Food Action
In lieu of their regular in-person Statewide Food Council Gathering this year, Community Food Strategies is supporting safe, creative connections between food councils through the Show Up Series.
Harnessing the Data Revolution for Resilient Agriculture
Join the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative Symposium & Reception for Harnessing the Data Revolution for Resilient Agriculture. This symposium will feature discussions on how the North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative (N.C. PSI) can break down barriers in attempts to solve the challenges of the future. A rapidly growing population, less farmland, climate and water shifts, [...]
2021 Agribusiness Summit
EMFS & the Small Business Center Network partner to bring you this full-day, free, online event for "agripreneurs" interested in starting or growing a farm or food-based business. The 2021 Virtual Agribusiness Summit features new, relevant and exciting topics for current and prospective agribusinesses. The online format will allow you to access the content from [...]
2021 High Tunnel Winter Vegetable Field Day
Many cool- and cold-season vegetables grow well in high tunnels during North Carolina’s relatively mild winters. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University’s Extension Horticulture Team has conducted trials at the University Farm on cut-and-come-back salad greens (baby lettuce mix, mustard greens mix and spinach mix), leafy vegetables (bok choi/pac choy, head lettuce, Swiss chard, [...]
Zoom Q&A Sessions for Apprenticeship Host Farms
We are recruiting host farms for CEFS two Registered Apprenticeship programs beginning in 2022! If your farm business might be interested in employing an apprentice please check out the websites and requirements for each program and consider joining us for one of two informational Q&A sessions via Zoom on Thursday Jan. 6th from 6-7pm. Registration [...]
Financials and the Market for Specialty Vegetables
Are you interested in learning more about specialty fruit and vegetable production and engaging with ethnic markets? Join Dr. Kathleen Liang, CEFS Co-Director, for Financials and the Market for Specialty Vegetables, a virtual workshop to learn about the specialty vegetable market and the financial side of producing these vegetables. Dr. Liang will share data collected from [...]
SBC Agribusiness Series January – March 2022
Kickoff 2022 with the Western Regional SBCN and EmPOWERing Mountain Food Systems as we present a virtual series on enhancing your farming business. Convenient online classes for you to attend and hear from speakers with information, tips, and more. Registration is FREE! Join us at 6pm on Thursdays, January through March, to hear from EmPOWERING [...]
How to Buy Local: Opportunities and Challenges to Purchasing Local
Calling all local restaurants and wholesalers . . . we are streamlining the process of adding local foods to your menus and shelves! Join us on Monday, January 24th from 6pm - 7pm for "How to Buy Local: Opportunities and Challenges to Purchasing Local." This FREE, VIRTUAL event is a quick, online meeting for restaurants [...]
Transplant Training Workshop
You are invited to our afternoon of transplanting, cooking and chatting about planting fruits and vegetables! The Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) will be hosting a FREE, VIRTUAL Transplant Training Workshop on Monday, February 14th from 1pm - 4pm. Register here: Transplant Training Workshop Join us to learn about how to correctly transplant your plants [...]
Q&A Session For Sustainable Vegetable Production Apprenticeship
What better way to improve your agriculture skills, gain farming experience, and participate in hands-on job training than with a registered apprenticeship! If you are interested in the Sustainable Vegetable Production Apprenticeship, coordinated by the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) and registered through ApprenticeshipNC, then join us for a Zoom Q&A Session to further [...]