In-Between: Water is Life

Please join the In-Between session. The topic will be: “Water is Life”. The invite to the meeting will be sent via email to past participants of CORE Racial Equity learning opportunities. If you would like to be added to the list, please contact CEFSCORE_INFO@NCSU.EDU. ________________________________ In Between sessions are our community of practice. We invite [...]

CORE Level 2 (In-Person)

This Level 2 learning opportunity is hosted by CEFS CORE and led by and based on the Level II Application with our partners at DR Works. Completion of a level one style introductory and analysis learning opportunity on racism is required to attend this Level II learning opportunity.   Attendance is expected on BOTH days [...]

In-Between: Holding Space – Embodying our Values

Please join the In-Between session led by Abbey Piner with community partner Chloe Moore. The topic will be: “Holding Space - Embodying our Values”. The invite to the meeting will be sent via email to past participants of CORE Racial Equity learning opportunities. If you would like to be added to the list, please contact [...]