SWARM crew


Content coming soon…

SWARM (Students Working for an Agricultural Revolutionary Movement), is a teen leadership, advocacy and activism group that empowers young people to organize for food systems change, while gaining hands-on experience in food production, business planning and entrepreneurial development.


HBO Documentary Features SWARM Alumna Kebreeya Lewis

June 25th, 2013|Comments Off on HBO Documentary Features SWARM Alumna Kebreeya Lewis

Kebreeya Lewis was a high school freshman when she first got involved with Students Working for an Agricultural Revolutionary Movement (SWARM), the youth food activism group supported by CEFS.  The Goldsboro [...]

SWARM Represents at the Clinton Global Initiative

November 9th, 2012|Comments Off on SWARM Represents at the Clinton Global Initiative

SWARM, the CEFS-supported youth food activist group based in Goldsboro, was recently invited by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina to present at a youth empowerment event of the Clinton Global Initiative. As [...]

Shellie Pfohl, Executive Director of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, to Visit with Young Food Justice Leaders in Goldsboro

October 29th, 2012|Comments Off on Shellie Pfohl, Executive Director of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, to Visit with Young Food Justice Leaders in Goldsboro

For Immediate Release: October 29th, 2012 Download a printable .pdf of this press release. Media Contact Shorlette Ammons, Center for Environmental Farming Systems Ph: 919-288-0192 | sammonss@ncat.edu