Books and Book Chapters
Date | Books and Book Chapters |
2023 | Liang, C., Dollar Enterprise – From Theory to Reality and an Experiential Learning Exercise Applying Community Entrepreneurship to Plan and Operate a Small Venture on Campus. 8th Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, USA. ISBN 9798765727683 Find Book |
2022 | Liang, K., Plakias, Z.T., Interdisciplinary system and network perspectives in food and agricultural economics. In Handbook of Agricultural Economics . North-Holland, 2022. View Chapter |
2022 | Adesina, I., Bhowmik, A., Sharma, H., and Shahbazi, A. An Overview of Biochar Application on Biological Soil Health Indicators and Greenhouse Gas Emission. In Soil Management For Sustainable Agriculture: New Research and Strategies . Apple Academic Press, 2022. View Chapter |
2018 | Pietrosemoli, S.; Green, J.T. Pasture Systems for Pigs. In Wiseman, J. Ed. Achieving sustainable production of pig meat. Volume 3: Animal health and welfare. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK, 2018: 151-202. View Chapter |
2014 | Bloom, J. Dara. Subsidizing sustainability: the role of the state and civil society in implementing Wal-Mart’s local produce sourcing program. In Law and the Transition to Business Sustainability. Springer International Publishing, 2014: 57-83. View Chapter |
2014 | Selvakumar, G., Kim, K., Hu, S. and Sa, T. Effect of salinity on plants and the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in alleviation of salt stress. In Physiological Mechanisms and Adaptation Strategies in Plants Under Changing Environment. Springer New York. 2014:115-144. View Chapter |
2014 | Luginbuhl, J.M, and J.C. Mosley. Pasture for Meat Goats. in Meat Goat Production Handbook 2nd Edition. Langston University. 2014: 199-232. |
2013 | Lowe C. N., Butt K. R., and R. L. Sherman. Current and Potential Benefits of Mass Earthworm Culture. In Mass Production of Beneficial Organisms: Invertebrates and Entomopathogens. Elsevier. 2013: 683-709. View Chapter |
2012 | Cardoza YJ, Hofstetter RH, Vega F. 2012. Insect-associated microorganisms and their possible role in outbreaks, pp.155-174. In: Barbosa, Letorneau & Agrawal [eds] Insect Outbreaks Revisited, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. |
2011 | Edwards C, Arancon N, and Sherman, R., editors. Earthworms, Organic Waste, and Environmental Management. 2011. Boca Raton: FL: CRC Press |
2011 | Rayburn Edward B., and Steven P. Washburn. 2011. Chapter 4: Ruminant Livestock Production Systems. In: On-line reference book: Country Pasture/Forage Resources Profiles – United States of America: David B. Hannaway and Henry A. Fribourg, Editors. View Chapter |
2010 | Liu, T. X, Kang L., Lei Z., Hernández, R. Recent advances in entomological research: Hymenopteran parasitoids and their role in biological control of vegetable Liriomyza leafminers. Higher Education Press. 2010: 376-403. View Chapter |
2009 | Creamer NG, Mueller JP, Reberg-Horton SC, O’Sullivan J, Schroeder-Moreno M, Washburn S. 2009. Designing and institutionalizing an integrated sustainable and organic program at a land grant university. In: Francis CA, et al, editors. Organic farming: the ecological system. Madison, WI: ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Book Publishing. Agronomy Monograph 54. |
2009 | Finney DM, Mueller JP, Hepperly PR. Field-level considerations for sustainable adaptive management. In: Best Practices for Sustainable Agriculture and NRM: The nested systems approach. VPI SANREM CRSP. |
2006 | Morse RD, Creamer NG. Developing no tillage without chemicals: the best of both worlds? In: Kristiansen P, Taji A, Reganold J, editors. 2006. Organic Agriculture: A Global Perspective. Collingwood, Australia: CSIRO Publishing. |
2006 | Mueller JP, Creamer NG, Barbercheck M, Bell M, Raczkowski C, Brownie C, Collins A, Fager K, Hu S, Jackson L, Koenning S, Kuminoff N, Linker M, Louws F, Mellage S, Monks D, Orr D, Seem J, Tu C, Wagger M, Walters R, Wossink A, Zhang W. Long-term, large-scale systems research directed toward agricultural sustainability. In: Raupp J, Pekrun C, Oltmanns M, Köpke U, editors. 2006. Long term field experiments in organic farming. ISOFAR Scientific Series No 1. Berlin, Germany: Verlag Dr. Köster. |