CEFS Student Support Fund

Dr. Nancy Creamer
This fund supports student programs and activities in the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS), including scholarships, graduate student support, internships, apprenticeships, trainings, etc., with a goal of increasing representation through recruiting and hiring practices.
Preference will be given to students who have expressed interest in topics related to social justice, sustainable agriculture, and other CEFS priorities.
This fund was created in 2020 to honor Nancy Creamer, Co-Director of CEFS, on her retirement.
Examples of how your giving can help students:
$10-$100: Student Supplies
$150-$500: Student Training
$500-$1,000: Student Conference Registration and Travel
$2,000-$5,000: Graduate Student Fellowship
$5,000-$10,000: Summer Intern Stipend, Housing, Travel
$15,000-$30,000: Graduate Student Assistantship, Tuition, Fees
Please consider donating to the CEFS Student Support Fund in honor of Nancy and her dedication to CEFS:
OR BY CHECK: Checks may be made payable to the NC Agricultural Foundation, Inc. Send to: NC Agricultural Foundation, NC State University, Box 7645, Raleigh, NC 27695. Please write ‘CEFS Student Support Fund’ on the notation line.
For further information and questions, please contact Robyn Stout, rdstout@ncsu.edu.
All funds raised through the CEFS Student Support Fund are collected and managed by The North Carolina Agricultural Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID# 56-6049304). You will receive an official receipt for your gift.