
Community Food Strategies

Thanks to generous federal grant support and private donors we are able to continue this important work.

This project’s partners include the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS), Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA), CORE, the NC Rural Center, Kindred Seedlings Farm, MDC Rural Forward, as well as multiple consultants across North Carolina.

A Statewide Network of Local Food Councils

A network of food councils is developing across NC with the support of the Community Food Strategies project team and the North Carolina Local Food Council (NCLFC), which serves as the state level food council. NCLFC represents various statewide organizations and agencies, aims to foster coordinated support for NC local food systems, and facilitate food-related policy discussions and initiatives. This network of food councils stays engaged and connected through regional events, social media, and regular conference calls.

Community Food Strategies is a hub for local food councils and individuals across North Carolina who want to grow their voices through food. We inspire connections and amplify collective action so that community voices are heard and food policy shifts. We envision a food system that is community driven and improves the quality of life for all.

Local food policy councils are changing our relationship with what we eat by bringing together different sectors around the issue of food, and connecting individuals to the process of how food goes from the ground to the table. These food systems intersect with every facet of life, and are the foundation of a strong economy and society.

We believe that people are experts in their communities. They understand their needs better than any outside organization ever could. By engaging community voices with policymakers, we work to strengthen local, grassroots efforts that help address the root causes of many societal issues.

The goal of Community Food Strategies is to build and facilitate relationships between the people we serve so they can share resources and strategies with each other to effect lasting change in their communities, from the ground up.

Who Makes Up a Food Council?

Councils should be intentionally cross-sector with representation from six sectors that make up the whole measures, or values, for a community-based food system: 1) Thriving local economies, 2) Vibrant farms and gardens, 3) Justice and fairness, 4) Strong communities/supportive policy, 5) Resilient ecosystems, and 6) Healthy people.

Councils often include representation or organized communication with the following groups: County Commissioners, planning departments, public schools (ag teachers, nutrition directors, parents, students), Cooperative Extension, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, public health and/or hospital centers, local banks, food pantries, faith communities, community colleges or universities, economic development staff, local restaurants and business owners.

Potential Food Council Actions

Each food council is unique and their work depends on the resources and interests of the community they serve. Examples of actions food councils may take include:

  • Recommend policy and program change by working with their networks to inform local governments and institutions on policies and laws that affect the local food system.
  • Assess the current food system by engaging expert practitioners and seeking community input to better understand a community’s food environment
  • Connect stakeholders to align efforts by working with decision makers and program leaders to better align programs. encourage collaboration, and build connections.
  • Educate leaders and the community by creating fact sheets, supporting community outreach efforts, and hosting educational events.

See a compilation of 2017 Accomplishments by NC food councils here.

North Carolina Food Policy Council listserv

Community Food Strategies maintains the foodpolicycouncil listserv, which is intended to connect food councils and those interested in farm and food policy and food councils in and around North Carolina.

This Food Policy Council listserv (foodpolicycouncils@lists.ncsu.edu) serves as a forum for educational, funding, and networking opportunities related to food councils. Use this listserv to share:

  • Events, articles, educational opportunities, and ideas
  • Technical questions
  • Job postings and opportunities specifically related to farm and food policy

Sign up for NC FoodPolicyCouncil listserv here.

Community Food Strategies News

North Carolina Community Food Gathering Inspires a Bright Food Future

March 17th, 2023|Comments Off on North Carolina Community Food Gathering Inspires a Bright Food Future

[Rocky Mount, NC – March 17, 2023] — Hundreds of farm and food system leaders, public service and nonprofit leaders, local food councils, key partners, and community food advocates from across North Carolina participated in [...]

Local Food Councils Tackle Hunger and Food Access Issues in North Carolina

April 17th, 2018|Comments Off on Local Food Councils Tackle Hunger and Food Access Issues in North Carolina

Even though it is only 7 a.m., the conference center is buzzing with activity.  Representatives from food councils across North Carolina have called an impromptu meeting to discuss a response to federal budget cuts which threaten funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net.