Pasture-Based Dairy Unit


  • To examine management strategies that can influence animal performance and well being, farm profitability and environmental impact of grass-based dairy operations. 
  • To evaluate and disseminate practical results among farmers, farm advisors, service industry personnel, students, and others.


The Southeastern United States has potential advantages for pasture-based dairy production systems, including productive grass land, a longer growing season compared to other parts of the country, and varied forages and feed sources. The growing population in the SE also offers an opportunity to understand consumer interest and trust in grass-based dairy products.

While the U.S. dairy industry has moved to more conventional, total mixed ration based systems, globally, grass-based dairy production is still a major part of dairy infrastructure. The grass-based system at the Cherry Research Station offers opportunities to study management practices and offer training in practices that focus on the impact of climate change, biodiversity of the animal-plant ecosystem, and adoption of technology for smaller farms.

Dairy Facilities

The Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) dairy is different from most dairy farms in N.C. and the U.S. for several reasons:

  • Approximately 140 cows and associated young stock do most of forage harvesting via grazing although supplemental concentrates and stored forages are available as needed.
  • Pasture-based also means that there is minimal manure storage and cattle recycle nutrients from urine and feces back to the fields.
  • The milking facilities are a “swing-type” with 14 units, allowing cows to be milked efficiently within 2 to 3 hours each milking rather than long shifts of 5 to 7 hours.
  • The herd represents a variety of cow breeds, including crosses of Jersey, Holstein, and Norwegian red cattle. Recently, breeds more commonly used for beef production have also been included in the line up. 
  • New-born calves are started on pasture in small groups at about 10-14 days of age to encourage early grazing and rumen development.

Projects and Activities

  • Develop pastures with various combinations of forages to optimize opportunities for year-round grazing and maximize milk production. 
  • Examine optimal stocking rates for dairy pasture systems and supplementation with grains and stored forages, with special consideration to nutrient excretion reduction. 
  • Monitor nutrient inputs and outputs and optimize economic and environmental goals.
  • Explore alternative strategies for keeping cows cool and comfortable during summer months including use of agroforestry and irrigation for cooling.
  • Examine differences in milk composition from various feeding regimens.
  • Adapt technologies that would allow for improved labor efficiency and reduce input costs.
  • Conduct pasture management training schools and internships for farmers, agricultural advisors, and students.


Results of studies from the Center for Environmental Farming Systems Dairy Unit could increase the competitive position of North Carolina’s grass-based dairy industry, while providing educational resources globally. New and more profitable dairy farm businesses boost the economies of rural communities and enhance the survival of local businesses.

Supported by

The Dairy Unit is supported by NC State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine, NC Agricultural and Technical State University College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, and the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Related Publications

Denning, S. S., Washburn S.P, and D. W. Watson. Development of a novel walk-through fly trap for the control of horn flies and other pests on pastured Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 2014; 97(7):4624_4631. View Article

Dhakal, K, C. Maltecca, J. P. Cassady, G. Baloche, C. M. Williams, and S. P. Washburn.Calf birth weight, gestation length, calving ease, and neonatal calf mortality in Holstein, Jersey, and crossbred cows in a pasture system. Journal of Dairy Science. 2013; 96(1): 690_698. View Article

Vibart RE, Washburn SP, Green JT Jr., Benson GA, Williams CM, Pacheco D, and Lopez-Villalobos N. Effects of feeding strategy on milk production, reproduction, pasture utilization, and economics of autumn-calving dairy cows in eastern North Carolina. Journal of Dairy Science. 2012;95:997-1010. View Article

Anderson KL, Lyman R, Moury K, Ray D, DW Watson, Correa MT. Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 2012; 95:4921_4930. View Article

Olson KM, Cassell BG, McAllister AJ, Washburn SP. Dystocia, stillbirth, gestation length, and birth weight in Holstein, Jersey, and reciprocal crosses from a planned experiment. Journal od Dairy Science. 2009;92(12):6167-6175. View Article

Washburn SP. Lessons learned from grazing dairies. Progressive Dairyman (Western and Southwestern editions). 2009;15:6-10. View Article

Croissant AE, Washburn SP, Dean LL, Drake MA. Chemical properties and consumer perception of fluid milk from conventional and pasture-based production systems. J Dairy Sci. 2007;90(11):4942-4953. View Article

Bertone MA, Green JT, Washburn SP, Poore MH, Watson DW. The contribution of tunneling dung beetles to pasture soil nutrition. Online. Forage and Grazinglands. 2006. doi:10.1094/FG-2006-0711-02-RS. View Article

Bertone M, Green J, Washburn S, Poore M, Sorenson C, Watson DW. Seasonal activity and species composition of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae) inhabiting cattle pastures in North Carolina. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 2005;98(3):309-321. View Article

Watson DW, Stringham SM, Denning SS, Washburn SP, Poore MH, Meier A. Managing the horn fly (Diptera: Muscidae) using an electric walk-through fly trap. Journal of Economic Entomology. 2002;95(5):1113-1118. View Article

Watson DW, Stringham SM, Denning SS, Washburn SP, Poore MH, Meier A. Managing the horn fly (Diptera: Muscidae) using an electric walk-through fly trap. Journal of Economic Entomology. 2002;95(5):1113-1118. View Article


Pasture-based Dairy Unit multimedia and document resources.

Unit News

NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Staff Fight Hurricane Florence Floodwaters at CEFS’ Field Research, Education and Outreach Facility

Hurricane Florence is one of the worst storms to hit North Carolina, ever.  CEFS' Field Research, Education, and Outreach Facility at Cherry Research Farm is located in Goldsboro, one of the hardest-hit areas of the state.  NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Research Station Manager Andy Meier and his crew have gone above and beyond -- as they always do in extreme situations -- to protect and care for livestock on the farm and minimize damage to crops and infrastructure.