The Role of Underserved Producers in the Bioeconomy Open Forum
N.C. A&T University Farm Pavilion, 3020 McConnell Road Greensboro, NC 27401 3020 McConnell Road, Greensboro, NCPlease join Dr. Kathleen Liang, CEFS Director based at N.C. A&T, for a FREE interactive open forum to learn more about Bioeconomy and its impacts on underserved farmers/communities with USDA and field experts. Risk management and crop insurance will also be discussed on September 19, 2024, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the N.C. A&T University Farm Pavilion (3020 McConnell Road, [...]
In-Between: Food and Workers Rights – A Story Sharing Session
Please join the In-Between session led by community partner Rakaya Nasir-Phillips. The topic will be: “Food and Workers Rights - A Story Sharing Session”. The invite to the meeting will be sent via email to past participants of CORE Racial Equity learning opportunities. If you would like to be added to the list, please contact [...]
CORE Level 1 (Virtual)
Join us for a FULL 2 DAY learning opportunity that will offer a shared language, a shared framework, and a shared history for understanding how barriers inhibit equity in the food system. Our goal is for this training to assist with setting meaningful goals and strategies to ensure racial equity in farm & food programs [...]
Chainsaw Safety & Natural Disaster Preparedness
8800 Cassam Road Bahama, NC 27503 8800 Cassam Road, Bahama, NCThis hands-on workshop will equip producers with the knowledge and skills of chainsaw safety and farm natural disaster preparedness. The goal of this workshop is to equip new and beginning producers with the knowledge and skills to efficiently manage input costs through proper fence building, protect themselves by preventing injury through safety awareness. You will [...]
Farm to Fork in the Garden (Charlotte)
Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden 6500 South New Hope Road, Belmont, NCTickets are now on sale for Farm to Fork in the Garden! The event will take place at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden on September 29, 4-7pm, with a stellar lineup of over 30 chef & farmer pairings, plus many of the finest Carolina distillers, vintners, and brewers. Chefs will be teamed up with a farmer or [...]
Planning for Farm Succession Transitions
Transitions are vulnerable times for farms and failing to plan for farm transitions can leave farms at risk of forced sales due to family conflict or nursing home recovery costs. Join us for a succession planning workshop to learn more about common challenges that farmers and landowners face when transitioning the farm to the next [...]
Grant Writing for Growers and Food Entrepreneurs
Grants can be successful methods for accessing capital for new or existing farm or food businesses, but it can be a challenge to know where to start. This workshop will walk you through the process of finding the right grants for your business, provide tools for writing successful grant applications, and explore grant strategies to [...]
In-Between: Water is Life
Please join the In-Between session. The topic will be: “Water is Life”. The invite to the meeting will be sent via email to past participants of CORE Racial Equity learning opportunities. If you would like to be added to the list, please contact CEFSCORE_INFO@NCSU.EDU. ________________________________ In Between sessions are our community of practice. We invite [...]
Lunch and Learn: Maintaining and Improving your Soil’s Health — Use of Cover Crops and Crop Rotation on any Scale
VirtualJoin us for a one hour zoom webinar on various gardening topics hosted by Melissa Bell, CEFS Field Research, Education and Outreach Liaison and John Lyttle, Agriculture Extension Agent. When: 12 p.m. -1 p.m., Tuesday, October 22nd Where: Zoom Click here to register.
So, You Want to Start a Farm…Now What?
Are you thinking about starting a farm and feeling overwhelmed by all the decisions? This one-half day workshop can help. It is designed to assist new and aspiring farmers in taking the first steps in thinking through farm start-up (whether you already have land access or not). Thoughtfully defining your goals and strategy before you [...]