Show Up Series: Collaborative Food Action
September 11, 2021 @ 9:00 am - December 7, 2021 @ 5:00 pm
In lieu of their regular in-person Statewide Food Council Gathering this year, Community Food Strategies is supporting safe, creative connections between food councils through the Show Up Series.
Each region across North Carolina has collaborated to promote a particular event for their region. Some events are region-specific, and some are open to the public. Check out the events here, download the flyer here, help promote these events, and join in the conversation.
Tuesday, November 9: Western North Carolina Food Council Summit – Focused on WNC Food council members and partners, and others welcome
Contacts: Amy Marion, amy@asapconnections.org or Julie Lehmann, juljerlehmann81@gmail.com Register here.
Wednesday November 10, 10:00 – 12:00pm: Triad Food Councils Rendezvous – Open to food councils in the Triad region
Contact: Jennifer Bedrosian, 336.904.0300, jbedrosian@ptrc.org
Tuesday, November 16, 7:00 – 8:30pm: Growing Connections in the Northeast – Audience: Northeast region – broader than food councils, but specific to northeastern counties/communities
Contacts: Chester Williams, ceo@abc2nc.org & Mary Jane Lyonnais, maryjane.lyonnais@arhs-nc.org
Wednesday, November 17, 3:00 – 4:30pm: How to Host an Effective Grower-Buyer Meetup – Southeastern NC food councils, growers, fishers, restaurant chefs, and other buyers
Contact: Shawn Banks, snbanks@ncsu.edu, (252) 222-6352
We hope you leave these events feeling inspired, connected, and ready to take action for your food community.