Aquaponics Farm Tour (For Extension Educators)
April 13, 2016 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
| $10* Please note, this workshop is reserved for Extension Educators only. *
Are you hearing a buzz about aquaponics in your county? Across the country, including in North Carolina, there is growing interest in this alternative farming technique. According to the Aquaponics Association, a membership association whose mission is to promote aquaponics, “Aquaponics is a synergistic growing technique in which fish and plants are grown together in the same system. The fish waste feeds the growing plants using organic hydroponic techniques. The plants, in turn, clean and filter the water that returns to the fish environment.”
This tour, for Extension educators, will take place at Lucky Clays Farm in Norwood, NC. This aquaponics operation is a self-sustaining farm with its own fish breeding nursery. There will be time for questions before, during and after the tour.
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Registration Fee: $10
Register Online: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=8f6z5dcab&oeidk=a07ec6o3et7a73399ab
Registration Pay Options:
- Credit Cards: CEFS can now accept credit cards for your registration fees. Visit https://commerce.cashnet.com/NCSUCEFS?itemcode=CALS2-AFT, click on the “Aquaponics Farm Tour” tab and follow the directions.
- Checks: You may also mail a check to: Center for Environmental Farming Systems, Attn. Lisa Forehand, Box 7609 – NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695. * Please leave memo line blank*.
Registration Information: Space is limited to the first 30 PAID registrants. In order to secure your space on the tour, your registration fee is required within 10 days of registering.