Sydney Grice, NC State student and 2014 NCGT Summer Intern at Lowes Foods.
September 2014 – North Carolina Growing Together is proud to announce the Summer 2015 Local Food Supply Chain Internship. The internship will provide opportunities for undergraduate or graduate students to gain training and professional development related to local food systems and value chains work.
Interns can dedicate 40 hours per week for an 8-week period. Interns selected will be undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students and are fully funded through NCGT. Travel will also be funded through NCGT at a limited rate.
Critical to the success of this project is identifying mentors from interested partner organizations who are capable of and willing to mentor an individual for the 8-week period.
If you are interested in mentoring a Local Food Supply Chain intern, please fill out this online form by October 20, 2014.
For questions or more information please contact NCGT Summer Internship Program Coordinator Eliot Lee at elee17@ncsu.edu.
This article originally appeared in the September 2014 NC Growing Together Newsletter.