February 2016 — NCGT Partner Piedmont Grown is a certification program that identifies and promotes farm products that are grown, raised, and made in North Carolina’s 37-county Piedmont Region. Their label identifies local agricultural products and helps consumers make informed buying choices that benefit local farms and our local economy.

NCGT is sponsoring Piedmont Grown’s fifth annual conference, Increasing Farm Profitability through Efficiency, Diversified Markets, and Unique Branding, on March 10 at the Hunt Library on NC State’s Centennial Campus. Keynote speaker Ben Hartman, author of The Lean Farm, will speak on “Using the Lean System to Earn a Comfortable Living on a Small Farm”. The conference will also feature nine breakout sessions on everything from whole farm insurance to packaging and labeling issues; a delicious, locally-sourced lunch; and post-conference events in Raleigh.

March 10, 2016 | Piedmont Grown Conference | Raleigh NC

For more information and to register, please visit http://bit.ly/PiedmontGrown2016Conf

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 NC Growing Together Newsletter.