July 2015 — As the apprentice for Firsthand Foods, Eva has participated in several projects aimed at connecting small, pasture-based meat farmers to local markets. In particular, Eva has worked on two main projects, the first of which is creating a case study documenting the relationship between Firsthand Foods and Carolina Dining Services, which will be a resource for other food hubs looking to create similar relationships.
The second is developing a marketing plan for the “stock box” which will be a method of selling animal bones that might otherwise be wasted. Coming into this apprenticeship, Eva felt she lacked experience about the marketing and production side of local food.
After working with Firsthand Foods, however, she feels she better understands local meat supply chains and she can now educate others about them. Eva stresses the importance of her work with Firsthand Foods, saying “right now I’m helping to move the animals forward in the food supply chain, but moving that information about how that happens forward too, and making that accessible… I think it definitely will inform my work in the non-profit sector.”
Her first step towards that goal includes getting her MA in food and agriculture law and policy, and she anticipates that what she has learned will prepare her for her studies and future career.
This article originally appeared in the July 2015 NC Growing Together Newsletter.