The Center for Environmental Farming Systems is a partnership of North Carolina State University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Are you thinking about starting a farm and feeling overwhelmed by all the decisions? This one-half day workshop can help. It is designed to assist new and aspiring farmers in taking the first steps in thinking through farm start-up (whether you already have land access or not). Thoughtfully defining your goals and strategy before you [...]
Have you wondered about adding agri-tourism to your farm operations or starting a new agri-tourism venture? Come to this introductory session to learn about the basic considerations and regulations before you launch your operation. Laura Lauffer has been working at NCSU and agri-tourism operators to build and promote agri-tourism throughout the region. Learn about local [...]
So you're thinking about starting a farm but feeling overwhelmed by all the decisions. This ½ day workshop can help. It is designed to assist new and aspiring farmers in taking the first steps in thinking through farm start-ups (whether you already have land access or not). Thoughtfully defining your goals and strategy before you [...]
On Monday, November 18th Haywood County Extension will host a farm-focused gathering to understand resources - both financial and technical - available post-Helene. Register Here for WNC Farmers Gathering: Tools for Rebuilding. You will have the opportunity to hear directly from Ag partner agencies and supporting organizations about their resources, ask questions in real time related [...]
This session will cover retail firms, low and high-risk value-added foods, commercial facilities, shared-use facilities, and home processing. Topics include regulations and requirements for low-risk foods, specialized and advanced high-risk food manufacturing, supplements, and the latest on CBD. Susan Parrish, NCDA has been working in the regulatory space for 20 years, helping food businesses stay [...]
*This event has been cancelled* Please join the In-Between session led by Abbey Piner with community partner Chloe Moore. The topic will be: “Holding Space - Embodying our Values”. The invite to the meeting will be sent via email to past participants of CORE Racial Equity learning opportunities. If you would like to be added [...]