The Center for Environmental Farming Systems is a partnership of North Carolina State University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
What innovative agricultural research and farming practices can lead to resilient agricultural systems under a changing climate in North Carolina? How can community-based food systems contribute to climate resiliency in our state? How can policies and practices be informed by a holistic and science-based understanding of climate change? The CEFS Symposium on Agriculture, Food Systems, [...]
Are you seeking financial support and considering applying for grants from government agencies to enhance your production, marketing, or other activities? Join Dr. Liang, virtually, for a Grant Application Information Session on Monday, Aug. 22, 6-7 pm or Wednesday, Aug. 24, 6-7 pm. The same information will be covered at each session so feel free to attend […]
Farm to School: Racial Equity Session 2 Language Analysis & Speak Up How do our communication preferences, styles, patterns disrupt or support systemic racism? How can we better prepare ourselves and our community members to speak-up and challenge biased language and actions? How can we prepare to respond to push back when we do Speak [...]