Using High Tunnels for Season Extension: Introduction & Special Topics
March 27, 2017 @ 9:00 am - 2:30 pm
| $25Using High Tunnels for Season Extension: Introduction & Special Topics
Register Online: http://go.ncsu.edu/season-extension-3-27
*** Note: You must complete the above registration form before you can pay with a credit card. ***
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Registration Payment Option:
- Credit Cards: CEFS can now accept credit cards for your registration fees. Follow this link to the online credit card payment portal: https://commerce.cashnet.com/NCSUCEFS?ITEMCODE=CALS2-UHTSE.
- Checks: Please make checks payable to “NC State University” and leave memo line blank. Mail check and copy of registration form to: Center for Environmental Farming Systems, Attn. Lisa Forehand, Box 7609-NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695
Registration Information: Space is limited. In order to secure your space on the tour, your registration fee is required within 7 days of registering.
To download a printable flyer for this workshop, please click HERE.
High tunnels are low-tech, low-cost tools that allow growers to extend the growing season of vegetables and small fruit crops, potentially increasing market opportunities and farm profits. Although high tunnels are considered low-tech, maximizing production and profits can be difficult. During this workshop participants will be equipped with the knowledge to increase their high tunnel production efficiency through proper management techniques. A special topic of grafted heirloom tomato production will be discussed and demonstrated at a local farm. Session topics include high tunnel production, transplant production, grafted heirloom tomatoes in a high tunnel, and NRCS high tunnel cost share programs. We’ll also discuss regional marketing opportunities for high tunnel production.
The afternoon hands-on portion will be at the Elma C. Lomax Incubator Farm where research is currently being conducted on grafted heirloom tomatoes in a high tunnel. Greenhouse and transplant production will also be demonstrated.
Speakers Include:
- Laura Lauffer, Project Coordinator, Local Farms and Food, N.C. A&T State University, Cooperative Extension Program
- Local Representative, Natural Resource Conservation Service
- Gena Moore, Organic Research Coordinator, Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
- Aaron Newton, Lomax Farm Manager, Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
- Lauren Duncan, Area Horticulture Agent, NC Cooperative Extension
Regional farmers include:
- Allen Blake, Owner of Maters and More Farm
- Cody Hammel, Hammel Heritage Farm