Postharvest Handling for Enhanced Shelf Life Workshop – Durham County
April 6, 2016 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
| $35You must pay by either Check or Credit Card within SEVEN days of registration to secure your spot.
The economic success of fruit and vegetable production is highly dependent on postharvest quality preservation. When marketing fresh fruits and vegetables, understanding the processes affecting product quality during storage and transportation is essential in obtaining a premium price for the product.
To assist growers in developing skills that will provide a competitive advantage within the fresh produce market, the NC Growing Together Project (NCGT) will offer a series of Postharvest Physiology, Pathology and Handling Workshops, in collaboration with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension. Participants will learn approaches and technologies to maintain product quality and extend shelf-life, limiting postharvest disorders and loss of sales.
Geared toward producers selling into wholesale markets, as well as Extension Agents who are assisting growers with wholesale market expansion, this full-day, hands-on workshop will offer a variety of tools to assist growers in meeting US Grade #1 Standards. The workshops will be conducted by Trish Tripp, NCGT Produce Supply Chain Development Liaison and George Wilson, PhD, Postharvest Horticulturist.
For additional information, please visit www.ncgrowingtogether.com or click HERE to register.
If you need additional assistance, please contact the individual listed above directly, or contact Trish Tripp at trish@artisanfoodsolutions.com.
Paying for a workshop[separator style_type=”single|dashed” top_margin=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” width=”” alignment=”center” class=”” id=””]
In order to confirm your seat at each workshop, you must pre-pay the registration fee.
CHECKS: Please make checks payable to NC State University (unless otherwise stated) and LEAVE THE MEMO LINE BLANK. Mail your check and confirmation to: Center for Environmental Farming Systems, Attn. Lisa Forehand, Box 7609-NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695
CREDIT CARDS: CEFS now has the capability to accept credit cards through NC State University’s Online Portal. You can find our “Store” here. Simply select the workshop you would like to attend. In the upper right corner, it will ask you to sign in if you are a returning customer to this online payment portal. If you have never paid for a CEFS workshop with a credit card, you will be asked to create an account. Once you sign in or finish creating your account, you can select the workshop or event you would like to pay for and simply follow the instructions. You should be emailed an electronic receipt. Please contact Lisa Forehand (lisa_forehand@ncsu.edu) with questions.