Introduction to Farm-Scale Vermicomposting – WORKSHOP FULL
August 31, 2016 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
| $25Introduction to Farm-Scale Vermicomposting – WORKSHOP FULL
THIS WORKSHOP IS CURRENTLY FULL. We have started a wait list and if there are any cancellations you will be notified in the order in which you registered on the Wait List.
Register Online: http://go.ncsu.edu/farm-vermicompost -WAIT-LIST
Registration Deadline: Monday, August 29
Registration Payment: Credit Card or Check
Registration Information: Space for this workshop is extremely limited. The first 30 PAID registrants will receive a spot in the workshop. Once we receive 30 paid registrations, you have the option of signing up for the wait list.
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Learn how to turn organic waste into beneficial soil amendments that can increase plant growth and suppress pests and diseases. In this three-hour workshop, you will learn the essentials of on-farm vermicomposting. Farmers who are vermicomposting will show how they are doing it. You will see a variety of vermicomposting systems on slides and then we’ll go to NC State’s Worm Barn to examine a dozen types of bins and see vermicomposting in action!
Workshop includes coffee and snacks (no lunch).
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Rhonda Sherman has been contacted by people in 107 countries seeking her expertise in vermicomposting. She organizes the nation’s only annual conference on large-scale vermicomposting held her 17th Vermiculture Conference this year. Rhonda is an extension specialist at North Carolina State University. She is the director of a 2-acre Compost Learning Lab, and president of the North Carolina Composting Council.
John Bonitz owns Celebrity Dirt Soil Amendments in Siler City, NC. John is using goat manure bedding and other organic materials to make soil amendments containing compost, biochar, and vermicompost.