Getting Started with Agritourism
January 9, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Monday, January 09, 2023 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern
Location: Haywood Community College Small Business Center, HCC Regional High Tech Center
Join an optional farm tour after the sessions at Jehovah Raah Farm and Smoky Mountain Mangalitsa Farm– must pre-register for full session
Agritourism is a growing sector of the local agriculture economy. This in-person seminar presented by EmPOWERing Mountain Food Systems (EMFS) will cover recommendations from a two-year research project conducted by the NCSU Recreation Department focusing on our WNC region.
You will also hear from local agritourism operators about which booking platform works best for them along with recommendations for attracting customers and tips for facility management.
Register here: https://www.ncsbc.net/reg.aspx?mode=event&event=250430008