(CANCELLED) Cover Crop and Soil Health Demonstration Day, also featuring High Tunnel Garlic
March 28, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 3:45 pm
***Unfortunately, due to the forecast for inclement weather, this event has been cancelled at this time. We will announce a new date if it is able to be rescheduled.***
Learn about the basics of cover crops, planting methods, seeding rate, methods of termination, and overall benefits of cover crops. We will also discuss the overall benefits of cover crops on soil health. There will be an additional stop at the high tunnels to visit the garlic crops! Hear suggestions from the foundational book published by Southern SARE ‘Managing Cover Crops Profitably’ and how you can apply soil health practices on your farm.
Event Details:
When: Thursday, March 28, 2024, 1:00pm-3:45pm
Where: Small Farm Unit at Cherry Research Farm, 400 Old Smithfield Road (NC-581), Goldsboro, NC, 27530 (driving directions)
This Demonstration Day is ideal for a variety of audiences including but not limited to small-scale, limited resource, underserved beginning farmers, ranchers, landowners, veterans, etc.
Please join us to learn about the benefits of cover crops and soil health.
Biswanath Dari, Assistant Professor and Natural Resource Extension Specialist, Southern SARE State Co-coordinator, Cooperative Extension, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Melissa Bell, CEFS Field Research, Education and Outreach Liaison
Heather Berger, Research Technician at CEFS Small Farm Unit
Alex Woodley, Farming Systems Research Unit Coordinator and Assistant Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, North Carolina State University
Peter Coffey, On-Farm Research Trial Coordinator, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Programmatic contact persons for this event:
Biswanath Dari, Ph.D. (E:bdari@ncat.edu; P: 352-222-9565)
and Melissa Bell (E: mcbell@ncsu.edu; P:919-271-7557)
Accommodation requests related to a disability or limited English proficiency should be made by March 14th to Emma Hirschy, erhirsch@ncsu.edu.
N.C. Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity provider.