Agritourism Series
January 5, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - January 26, 2021 @ 2:30 pm
When: Tuesdays in January, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Is Agritourism right for your farming operation? NC State Extension-Tourism’s work with small farms across the state reveals that many small farmers report high interest in receiving visitors as a strategy to earn additional income, selling farm products to the visitors, enhancing customer relationships and even involving guests in some helpful farm work. In addition, many small farms want to increase their direct to consumer sales, whether to members of neighboring communities or to tourists visiting the area.
This virtual 4- part series will define Agritourism, help participants determine if their personality is suited for agritourism as well examine pricing, marketing, legal issues and developing a business plan.
Each 1.5 hour session will include presentations from extension agents and specialists, panel discussions including small business consultants, credit service consultants and farmers currently in the Agritourism business.
Link to register: HERE