Board Pre-Read Submission Forms

Each initiative or research unit should complete the following four forms to share updates with the CEFS Board. Please submit the general updates form once and the new grants, press mentions, and publications forms as many times as needed. See further instructions for each form below.

General Updates
Submit this form to share work that has occurred since the last Board meeting or share other updates and needs with the CEFS Board.

New Grants
Please submit this form for each new grant that has been funded since the last Board meeting. After you submit the form, you will have the option to submit another entry.

Publications and Resources
Submit this form for each scientific and popular press article; Extension publication, book chapter, presentation, toolkit, report, annual report, etc. published since the last Board meeting. You will need to specify which impact area applies to each publication. You can submit the form multiple times to share publications related to each impact area.

Press Mentions
Please submit this form for each press mention pertaining to your program, initiative, or research unit since the last Board meeting. After you submit the form, you will have the option to submit another entry.


General updates

Submit this form to share work that has occurred since the last Board Pre-Read or share other updates and needs with the CEFS Board.

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New Grants

Please submit this form for each new grant that has been funded since the last Board Pre-Read. After you submit the form, you will have the option to submit another entry.

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Publications and Resources

Submit this form for each scientific and popular press article; Extension publication, book chapter, presentation, toolkit, report, annual report, etc. published since the last Board Pre-Read. You will need to specify which impact area applies to each publication. You can submit the form multiple times to share publications related to each impact area.

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Press Mentions

Please submit this form for each press mention pertaining to your program, initiative, or research unit since the last Board Pre-Read. After you submit the form, you will have the option to submit another entry.

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