blueberries – Center for Environmental Farming Systems Fri, 12 Feb 2021 04:35:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 blueberries – Center for Environmental Farming Systems 32 32 Blueberry Pruning Watch Party and Panel Discussion Mon, 15 Mar 2021 14:00:00 +0000
Join us for a virtual workshop and learn how to prune your blueberry bushes!

Join us for a short video demonstration on pruning blueberry bushes led by Research Specialist Bill Cline. Since 1995 Bill has served as the Blueberry Extension Horticulturist for North Carolina State University, supporting Cooperative Extension agents statewide. Cline also maintains the N.C. Blueberry Journal, a blog where he posts information about the latest disease concerns, cultivars, propagation and guidelines for timely blueberry maintenance, such as pruning and fertilizing.

Following the video demonstration, our expert panel will take audience questions and you will have a chance to ask any and all blueberry questions. We will be joined by Bill Cline, Researcher and Extension Specialist, Dr. Sanjun Gu, Horticulture Specialist, and Willard Humphries, CEFS’ Small Farm Unit Manager.

Register here to receive the Zoom link.

Hands-On Blueberry Pruning Workshop Tue, 20 Feb 2018 18:00:00 +0000

Join us for a short classroom presentation on pruning blueberry bushes led by Research Specialist Bill Cline. From there we’ll travel a short distance to the Small Farm Unit for a pruning demonstration! Please bring hand pruners and dress appropriately for outdoor demonstration.

Space is limited to the first 25 paid registrants. Pre-registration is required. You can register here:

There is a registration fee of $10 which can be paid online at:

About Bill Cline: Researcher and Extension Specialist, Department of Plant Pathology, NC State University | B.S., Gardner-Webb University M.S., North Carolina State University

Since 1995 Bill has served as the Blueberry Extension Horticulturist for NC State, supporting Cooperative Extension agents statewide. Cline also maintains the N.C. Blueberry Journal, a blog where he posts information about the latest disease concerns, cultivars, propagation and guidelines for timely blueberry maintenance, such as pruning and fertilizing.

Contact Lisa at 919-513-0954 or to register or for more information

Hands-on Blueberry Pruning Workshop Featuring Dr. Bill Cline Tue, 28 Feb 2017 20:00:00 +0000

Hands-on Blueberry Pruning Workshop by Dr. Bill Cline

Register Online:
*** Note: Everyone must complete the above registration form regardless of form of payment. ***

Registration Deadline: Sunday, March 26, 2017 (but walk-ins welcome)

Registration Fee: $10

Registration Payment Option: 

  • Credit Cards: CEFS can now accept credit cards for your registration fees. Follow this link to the online credit card payment portal: (Then click “WORKSHOPS” on the right).
  • Checks: Please make checks payable to “NC State University” and leave memo line blank. Mail check and copy of registration form to: Center for Environmental Farming Systems, Attn. Lisa Forehand, Box 7609-NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695

Registration Information: Space is limited to the first 30 PAID registrants. In order to secure your space on the tour, your registration fee is required within 7 days of registering. A wait list will be implemented if we run out of paid spots.

To download a printable flyer for this workshop, please click HERE. 

Blueberries are a delicious ‘must-have’ in any garden and can be an economic boon for many commercial producers. But, like anything else, your plants need a little TLC to keep them in tip-top shape for years to come. Yearly pruning helps decrease disease pressure, stimulate plant growth and promote large berry size. During this hands-on workshop you will learn the ‘ins and outs’ of blueberry plants, how to tell the age of the canes and how to properly prune. We have a large number of plants to practice on and get comfortable with pruning before you head home to your own.

* This workshop is geared more toward the backyard gardener but all are welcome! *

This workshop will be held outside, so please layer up and dress appropriately!

Participants are encourage to bring their own pruners and loppers. We will have several pairs to borrow, if needed.
