Webinar – Center for Environmental Farming Systems https://cefs.ncsu.edu Wed, 27 Oct 2021 22:16:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://cefs.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/cropped-CEFS-Site-Icon-01-32x32.jpg Webinar – Center for Environmental Farming Systems https://cefs.ncsu.edu 32 32 Effective Use of Electric Fencing to Improve Grazing Management and Enhance Soil Health (2014) https://cefs.ncsu.edu/resources/effective-use-of-electric-fencing-to-improve-grazing-management-and-enhance-soil-health-2014/ Mon, 09 May 2016 20:04:49 +0000 https://cefs-temp.ncsu.edu/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=3862

Effective Use of Electric Fencing to Improve Grazing Management and Enhance Soil Health (2014)

Presented by the USDA NRCS East National Technology Support Center, this webinar explains how temporary fencing is used in intensive grazing systems and how proper operation and maintenance of equipment is key to successful management

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Using Diverse Cover Crop Mixes to Improve Soil Health and Livestock Nutrition on Grazing Lands (2014) https://cefs.ncsu.edu/resources/using-diverse-cover-crop-mixes-to-improve-soil-health-and-livestock-nutrition-on-grazing-lands-2014/ Mon, 09 May 2016 20:03:34 +0000 https://cefs-temp.ncsu.edu/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=3860

Using Diverse Cover Crop Mixes to Improve Soil Health and Livestock Nutrition on Grazing Lands (2014)

Presented by the USDA NRCS East National Technology Support Center, this webinar discusses the reasons behind choosing different cover crop mixes for soil health and livestock nutrition and the short term effects of these mixes on soil, plants, and livestock.

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Understanding Packaging and Specifications for Wholesale Markets https://cefs.ncsu.edu/resources/understanding-packaging-and-specifications-for-wholesale-markets/ Fri, 22 Apr 2016 14:11:22 +0000 https://cefs-temp.ncsu.edu/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=3226

Understanding Packaging and Specifications for Wholesale Markets

Sponsored by NC Growing Together, NC Cooperative Extension, and Southern SARE. NCGT Extension and Training Coordinator Joanna Lelekacs moderates this webinar, which features information on Retail Ready for Local Foods, Wholesale and Retail Product Specifications and Best Practices for Fresh Produce with Trish Tripp, and Understanding PLU and UPC codes with Ariel Fugate.

Structural Racism and Food Inequity (2014) https://cefs.ncsu.edu/resources/structural-racism-and-food-inequity-2014/ Fri, 22 Apr 2016 13:27:45 +0000 https://cefs-temp.ncsu.edu/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=3161

Structural Racism and Food Inequity (2014)

This webinar discusses the past, current and future work at NC A&T State University as a part of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems to address food system inequities. The discussion covers our history of youth work and community engagement in eastern North Carolina as well as statewide efforts and national engagement with organizations like the Inter-Institutional Network for Food and Agricultural Sustainability (INFAS) and the Center for Social Inclusion (CSI) as well as the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) to build shared language, a shared analysis and frame for food equity using race as a lens.

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